Mucinex Gets Me High

I found this in one of my notebooks:

It’s after midnight and I’m loopy from a big Mucinex.*

I have so many thoughts. Like, when one thought is burning and you have so much to say and don’t know how you can possibly remember all you have to say


before you run out of thoughts and forget the old ones but you like them all (or at least the bulk) and want to remember what you were thinking a few minutes ago, but it’s gone, it’s lost forever, and no one but you can get it back and you have no idea what it was and it’s really a shame because you enjoyed thinking about whatever it was but oh well. Have you ever had a thought… Shoot. It’s gone.

Ooh! I remember!

Like, the thought itself wasn’t in words, but you just kind of felt the thought in your mind? Like, you created the thought and impressed it upon yourself without words? And you kind of knew what words you’d use but didn’t take the time to think them out but once you realized that, forced yourself to think the thought in words.

I’m thinking a mile a minute. My pen is so slow. It’s like trying to keep up with a racehorse by riding a cow. Or something.

My brilliant closing statements.

I think the blades are slowing in the ol’ noggin now. I’d better get to bed.

I am 3000% sure that Mucinex is not supposed to have this effect on people. Weirdly, as I reread it, I know exactly what I’m talking about. Loopy Me is deep.

*As in, maximum strength. The pill seemed like the resurrection pill Miracle Max made for Westley in “The Princess Bride.”